
Makhana Kheer


Here’s something thats simple enough to make, delicious and nutritous for you! 

Infact it is even helpful in weight loss !  

Makhana (foxnut or lotus seed) is a great source of protein and really high in fibre, hence does a great job in the feeling of fullness.

What this means is that once you’ve had this you’ll be so satisfied that you wont need other desserts or food for long.

Plus the almonds added in are full fibre as well. 

Sweetened with dates, that’s a natural sugar.. good way to avoid your refined white sugar.

Serve it hot or chilled!

Makhana Kheer

1/4 cup almonds soaked and finely ground into a paste.

1 cups foxnut (makhana)

1⁄4 cup date paste), or more if required

1⁄2 tsp cinnamon powder

a few pistachios, sliced, toasted

A few strands saffron, optional

1.Dry Roast the Makhanas. Once cooled down, coarsely grind them in a mixie.
2.Add 2 cups water to the almond paste. In a pan, heat this till it comes to a boil.
3.Mix in the makhanas, date paste and cinnamon powder; cook on medium heat for 2 minutes.
4,Remove from heat and add in saffron, if using.

You can replace Makhana with Popped Amaranth, Brown Rice or Millets !

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