A masterclass to unlock the health and spiritual benefits of fasting in modern times.

Every ancient religion has some kind of fasting in their tradition and for good reason. The benefits of this practice go deep, beyond  the physical and mental, to the spiritual, bringing about inner purification at the deepest levels.

Especially at the cusp of seasons (as we move from summer to winter) fasting can help us detoxify, ready our immune system and unlock the body’s innate healing potential.

There are different kinds of fasts and one can choose what kind would suit you with your current health, history and lifestyle.

What questions are answered in this masterclass : 

  • The benefits of fasting – the physical, mental and spiritual
  • Different kinds of fasts and where you should begin
  • Common mistakes that people make, how to avoid them
  • Right way to break the fast
  • How to handle cravings, detox symptoms, low energy
  • Food do’s and donts. Beginner’s meal plan.
  • How to break the fast.
  • Who should not fast and when should you not fast.

Results you can expect

  • Detoxification, improved bowel movements, better digestion.
  • Clear skin, feeling of lightness and energy, weight loss.
  • Deeper sleep, mental clarity, emotional calmness, better mood

The above are just indicative, as each person experience the healing their body urgently requires. 


A Recipe booklet with over 30 Navratri fasting and juice recipes.

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